Loremi Tours



OUR Mission

To simplify travel and promote inclusive tourism that empowers rural communities in Acholi land, Northern Uganda.


To empower rural communities in Acholi to achieve social, economic and environmental sustainability.

At Loremi Tours, we specialize in carefully curating tours and providing experiences that allow you to truly connect with the soul of Acholi while combining it with unforgettable safaris tailored to suit your interests

Our passionate team of entirely local professionals is dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your journey is unforgettable and one of a kind. From our young energetic office staff to our warm community guides, a satisfactory experience is guaranteed. Join us and embark on a journey that will not only enrich your perspective but also leave a positive impact on the communities you visit

Loremi Tours was created with friendship, connection, purpose and community in mind almost a decade ago. Six years ago, our journey began with a mission to simplify travel while transforming the Acholi community which has been profoundly affected by the LRA war, through Tourism.

We are committed to redefining travel by developing immersive experiences aimed at revitalizing indigenous Acholi culture and improving livelihoods of our community. The Acholi region with its rich cultural heritage, beautiful untouched landscapes and warm people offers a profound experience for travelers looking for more than just a typical vacation


To Integrate Tourism as a means of Sustainable Livelihoods in Uganda.